

Historical introduction

On 23/4/1977, the decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor No. 17 of 1977 was issued to declare the Kuwaiti Chess Federation under Law 24 of 1962 regarding clubs and public benefit associations, and the decision and a summary of the statute of the Kuwait Chess Federation were published in the Official Gazette. The Kuwait Chess Federation continued to practice its activities for 24 years, during which it participated and organized dozens of local and international tournaments, and participated in the establishment of the Arab Chess Federation and joined the membership of the International Chess Federation in 1980. The Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Youth and Sports approved in its meeting held on 4/6/2000 to merge the Kuwaiti Chess Federation (Public Benefit Association) with the game of bridge in one specialized club called the Sports Club for Chess and Mental Games. This was followed by the issuance of the decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor No. 63 of 2001 to refer the subordination of the Kuwaiti Chess Federation to the Public Authority for Youth and Sports in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 32 of 1978 regarding sports bodies in order to re-declare the Chess Federation as a specialized sports body (sports club for mental games).

In addition to vaccinating the Kuwaiti teams for chess, bridge and checkers with national competencies in preparation for the involvement of players to represent the State of Kuwait in the following tournaments: :

1 - World Chess Team Championship


2 - World Individual Chess Championship


3 - International Chess Olympiad

(Held every two years)

4 - Gulf Championship and Arab Checkers Championship

(Yearly )

5 - World Bridge Individual and Team Championship

(Yearly )

6 - World Mental Games Championship

(Yearly )

Club Games :

The club includes four mental games, two of which are internationally recognized by the Olympic Committee, namely chess and bridge, and two other games that are considered amusement games as they are not recognized by the International Olympic Committee and have regional federations such as the Latin American Federation and the International Federation of Dominoes in Germany, as well as the Gulf gathering for the Turkish Dama (popular) approved by the club, and accordingly we explain the specifications and needs of each game with some steadiness.

( chess , bridge , checkers , dominoes )